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"I retired when I was 65. I was 100kg, I needed knee replacements and I was pre-diabetic. I was going to acupuncture and always icing my knees." 

-Greg, Active & Healthy participant

Active & Healthy is an online directory that helps you find exercise programs in your local area. It can also offer ideas for exercises you can do at home and help you set goals for yourself.

Joining an exercise program is a great way to stay fit, keep physically and mentally healthy, and to make new friends. Take a look at the Active & Healthy website to hear stories of people who have made a change by joining a local program.

When it comes to staying healthy as we get older, a balanced diet along with regular physical activity is key. Knowing how much you need from different food groups also changes with age. While you're here, why not try our simple food calculator to check your individual nutrition needs?

food calculator chart